Political CLASSICS are at the bottom of this webpage (Burke, Hobbes, Mill, Paine, etc.).
This Politics Page is more about the relation between the State and the Individual,
the interaction between our public and private spheres. On the Ethics Page are a number of articles on theonomy.
Those address the proper extent of Christian participation and control in the community. On the Education Page you'll find John Dewey's influence on western education, and culture. Click here for my personal observations about politics.
"This government can only end
in despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the
people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic
government, being incapable of any other." - Benjamin Franklin
Thomas Sowell: "Most causes of the Left [i.e., Marxist utiopianism] can be dismantled with three simple questions:
1. Compared to what? 2. At what cost? 3. What hard evidence do you have?"
The Geo. Floyd Narrative - "What is truth?" (Pontius Pilate)
Academy of Ideas -
These are secular arguments, but they reveal some of the means used to
drive recent changes in western culture. How then should the church
respond in light of the gospel? 2Cor 10.4-5.
Political and Legal Articles
Federalist/Anti-Federalist Papers